Environment Community Service Program

The GFWC Environment Community Service Program encourages us to become stewards of the earth by working to preserve the world’s resources, protect wildlife and domesticated animals, live sustainably, and beautify our communities and enjoy nature. Environmental degradation is cumulative and many scientists warn that we are at a tipping point. There is no time like the present to act.

Gloria Lansin, Chairwoman   

GFWC Manual for Environment. Click here.

Trees for Tomorrow - Carolyn DeJohgh and Karen Ostrowski, Co-Chairwomen

Trees for Tomorrow is a non-profit natural resources accredited specialty school whose mission is to deliver balanced, objective information on the management and use of trees, forests, and our natural resources.  They educate and promote the skills needed by our youth and older citizens to support the renewal of our natural resources for future generations.  GFWC-WI is a partner and supporter of "Trees".